
Volume of Home Sales by Year

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Multiple Listing Sales (MLS) is realtor data that documents the bulk of housing sale transactions and represents the most comprehensive data resource for determining number of sales and median sales price. Provided by the Virginia Association of REALTORS ®, the MLS data reported here include the total number of new and existing residential sales broken down by detached and attached units as well as the median sale price for total units, detached units, and attached units. The number of sales provides a measure of the strength of the housing market and the median sales price is a key indicator of housing affordability.

Number of Housing Units Sold by Housing Type

This chart, based on data provided by the Virginia Association of REALTORS® of new and existing sold residential properties, shows the number of housing units sold by housing type (all units, detached units, and attached units) by quarter.

Number of Housing Units Sold by Housing Type

  All Units    Detached    Attached  

 By Quarter

Missing points = Data not available.
Note: A small number of sales (based on new and existing units) may cause erratic trends; number of all units may not exactly match the sum of the housing types due to missing data.
Source: Virginia Association of REALTORS®.


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The data contained in Sourcebook is intended for informational, educational and research uses. The information may not be used for commercial purposes or re-marketed. Any reproduction and distribution of this information must clearly identify HousingForward Virginia and Sourcebook as the provider of the information.

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